I know there are some soil-lovers and regenerative gardening folks here, which is awesome to see. So let's jump right in...

properly cured pink hardneck garlic bulbs

Today we're talking about the magic of garlic curing. This stuff is way cool! You don't get cured garlic at the grocery store.

We're going to unlock the secret here for preserving everyone's favorite allium in all its flavorful glory. This transformation will make your garlic last all the way until the next planting season, folks.

If you're ready, roll up your sleeves and lets get to curing!

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garlic plants growing in organic hugelkultur raised bed garden
So you've filled your garden with garlic that's thriving... but how do you cure it for storage? You've come to the right place to learn!

Garlic Varieties

Most folks have had one type of garlic all their lives: bland grocery store garlic. Boo!

Did you know that the world of garlic is a vast and diverse one? There's an absolutely astonishing array of garlic varieties, colors, sizes, and flavors out there to be explored.

Say goodbye to that grocery store junk, and then make some room to welcome into your life the kaleidoscope of culinary allium options.

garlic plants growing in raised bed regenerative garden
Every garden needs a garlic patch

From the rich and pungent Rocambole to the milder and sweeter Artichoke garlic, to Music, which truly sings - each variety brings its own unique characteristics to your dinner table.

Seriously, great garlic can send a meal over the top. It's the difference between bland / ordinary cooking and something truly remarkable.

Good garlic will make dinner guests love you, and make for an incredible gift for all the home cooks in your life.

Grow some real garlic, I implore you, it's MORE than worth it!

garlic organic hanging from ceiling curing for storage
Hardneck garlic curing

Planting Garlic

Planting garlic is an investment that multiplies tenfold. Just think about it—each clove you plant can yield a whole bulb with numerous cloves.

Assuming your garlic variety happens to yield 10 cloves per head, you can 10x your investment each year! You just need to add soil and water.

vibrant purple hardneck organic garlic

That's a garlic windfall waiting to happen! Where else can you 10x your investment in just 1 year!? That's almost unheard of. Listen to the garlic, it won't let you down.

Imagine the joy of sharing your garlic bounty with friends, family, or even selling it at market.

It's not just about the big bold flavor; it's an investment that keeps on giving, both in taste and value.

garlic scapes harvested in bowl from garden
Don't forget to harvest your garlic scapes before it's time to harvest your garlic (if you planted hardneck)

Harvesting Garlic

garlic cloves with roots and soil just dug up from garden
Fresh hardneck dug up in the summer. This garlic has been growing since the previous autumn.

The moment of truth arrives—harvesting your garlic! Timing is crucial to ensure that your garlic is at its peak for curing and storage.

In the Sonoran Desert where I live, May is the ideal time to harvest garlic. Don't get impatient and pull your heads too soon. They put on a lot of size in the last couple months!

garlic plants harvest grown in garden
Fresh hardneck garlic harvest

The hot and dry conditions in May provide the perfect environment for curing your fresh harvest, too.

When the garlic plants begin to show signs of finishing, with about half of the leaves turning brown, it's time to dig up those bulbs and prep for the next phase.

fresh organic garlic harvest in the field

Curing Garlic For Storage

Now comes the fun part—curing your garlic!

A garage, shed, or outdoor closet where you can hang your garlic upside-down is the perfect spot for curing.

This dark, dry, and warm environment provides the ideal conditions for curing.

Hang your garlic in bunches, ensuring good airflow between the bulbs.

The garlic will gradually dry, its papery skin protecting and preserving the cloves within.

The stalk will help to wick moisture out of the cloves, so they'll be dryer and more ready for storage.

This curing period is crucial to remove excess moisture and concentrate the flavors.

As the garlic cures, its flavors deepen, its pungency mellows, and its storage potential skyrockets.

I personally use my porch closet to work this magic, allowing my garlic to hang for about two weeks.

organic garlic hanging to cure in a hot dry dark outside closet
Garlic hanging in an outdoor closet to dry in the hot, dark, dry conditions for ~2 weeks after harvesting.

Storing Garlic

Once your garlic is perfectly cured, it's time to store it.

Properly cured garlic can easily last at room temperature until the next garlic planting season, and sometimes even beyond! That means fresh garlic all summer and autumn long at least.

The key is to store your garlic it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

A pantry, root cellar, or kitchen cabinet will be the perfect sanctuary for your precious bulb-gold.

You'll absolutely LOVE having cured home-grown flavor at your fingertips while cooking.

Slice it for sizzling stir-fries, mince it for vibrant vinaigrettes, or roast it whole for a heavenly spread.

The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination!

pink hardneck organic garlic grown in tucson

Final Thoughts…

pink hardneck garlic cloves organic black background
Can't buy garlic like this at the grocery store!
fresh garlic cloves and scapes with onions and eggplant on cutting board cooking
Home-grown garlic is the secret ingredient which will send everything you cook over the top! Good luck on your garlic-growing journey, it is SO worth it.