Considering growing alfalfa as garden cover crop in Arizona? Here's what you should know:

Traditionally farmers plant a cover crop between main crop cycles, leaving it between seasons. In smaller garden spaces, though, that's often not as feasible. This is especially true in indoor environments where light and space are at a premium.

What's been working for me instead is interplanting the covers right among our veggies. I broadcast a bunch of alfalfa seed in spring after my veggies get established, and let it grow between them.

alfalfa cover crop intercropped with canteloupe melon mulched
Alfalfa does a great job of filling in the gaps and taking the place of some of the weeds between your veggies if you intercrop/undercrop like this.

It has a nice low growth habit, so it can be undercropped below a main crop
When it does get too tall, I just trim it back and drop the chop right in place as mulch.

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This way you're growing the next layer of new nitrogen right among the veggies which are using nitrogen.
It's a great little closed loop!

Alfalfa Water Use Concerns

Alfalfa gets a lot of attention for water usage, because a disproportionate amount of Arizona's water goes to big alfalfa monocrops for livestock feed.
The Saudi alfalfa farms come to mind as part of that controversy - though those leases have since been cancelled.

Really though, any crop grown for animal agriculture will end up using far more water than agriculture for humans, simply because so much more of the crop is needed.

What's sometimes overlooked is that farmers in AZ end up with 9-10+ cuttings of alfalfa each year from those monocrops. High water usage for an extremely high yield.

Regardless, the local alfalfa hay bales at feed stores are still being grown here in AZ, so the water is being used whether we grow it or a farmer does.

Raised bed plans

More so they just can't supply us with enough alfalfa hay to power our whole garden. It's a great supplement!
A couple flakes of hay per plot a few times a year just isn't nearly enough to build healthy soil, though.

In general we're finding there's no better way to save water than to have good spongy soil that holds moisture, no matter what you grow. Alfalfa improves soil whether you grow it yourself, use the bails of hay, or both. All are good options.

Alfalfa for Improving Soil Moisture Retention

Personally, I sometimes add the alfalfa hay when it's affordable and available, grow alfalfa between my crops, and add fresh compost as often as possible.

This way I've got 3 different sources of nitrogen and organic matter, and am not limited by the cost of bales.

My test plots at the local community garden consistently test as some of the wettest in the garden despite all the cover crops I grow. Moisture retention and ability to plant densely are both improved as soil quality increases.

In the case of my test plots, I've added so much organic matter that my plots act like huge sponges. They absorb and hold water, and can support really high density planting.

I grow covers and main crops simultaneously together, and this combination has been doing incredibly well for me.