What Are Aphids, Anyway?

aphids on brassicas under leaves cabbage pests
Aphids can often cause curling, wilting, and stunted growth on your plants. They especially dig brassicaceae chow chow when times heat up

It's important to understand, however, that aphids are not usually your real problem.

Rather, aphids are merely a symptom of a stressed plant!

Here in the desert, brassicas naturally become weak and vulnerable to aphids in the spring as the creeping high heat compromises their health.

The cool season fades away, and the brassicas become stressed. Aphids enter the picture and are merely taking advantage of this stress.

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In other climates, aphids might indicate an unhealthy brassica due to nutrient imbalance, lack of water or over-watering, too little sun exposure, poor soil drainage, or incorrect soil pH. Any of these things can weaken your plants and make them susceptible to aphids.

What to Do About Aphids in Your Garden

Instead of trying to cling to your brassicas and fight off the aphids, you can shift your attention to starting the next cycle of crops indoors. Don't waste your time fighting a losing battle when you can look ahead.

This will give you a head start on the next cycle of crops, while also allowing you to avoid the frustration and time-consuming process of battling these pests.

Healthy Plants Shouldn't Get Many Aphids

Crop Rotation to Reduce Aphid Pressure

Another strategy to prevent aphids is to practice crop rotation.

Final Notes...

Looking for ways to control other garden pests naturally? Check out the full guide here.