If you're like me, you LOVE it when hummingbirds visit your garden.

hummingbird flower purple green butterfly nectar desert pollinator
hummingbirds are actually more interested in sipping nectar, eating flying bugs and gnats than they are in drinking your sugar-water

Bugs and Nectar Are Better Than Sugar-Water for Hummingbirds

Most folks default to the classic ol' red plastic sugar-water feeder to bring all the hummingboys to their yard.

Sugar-Water Feeders Need Frequent Upkeep

One important consideration is the upkeep of sugar-water feeders.

Hummingbirds are especially sensitive to fungus, so cleaning sugar-water feeders super frequently is important if you don't want to endanger the birds.

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By attracting hummingbirds with bugs and flowers instead, you can totally avoid the need for sugar-water feeders altogether.

This creates a more natural environment that is less dependent on human intervention and safer for hummingbirds to thrive in!

Problems With Sugar-Water Feeders for Hummingbirds

To counter this, you will have to refill the sugar-water every couple of days, and wash and sterilize the feeder at least once or twice a week. In hotter temperatures and warmer climates, more frequency will be required.

You also want to boil the sugar-water for at least 2 minutes to help kill fungus and bacteria which might otherwise quickly gain a foothold in the sugar-water solution.

Hummingbirds are particularly susceptible to mold and fungi. One fungus known as Hummers Candidiasis can infect hummingbird tongues, causing them to swell up and no longer be able to retract them. This can lead to starvation and death, and is commonly attributed to sugar-water feeders not being maintained.

If you are going to provide a sugar-water feeder for your local hummers, it's absolutely crucial that you keep it well-sterilized and put enough time and attention into maintaining it so that it doesn't cause unintended consequences.

Maintaining sugar-water feeders for hummingbirds quickly becomes a lot of work and they never-ending chore. Be honest with yourself about your daily capacity to upkeep the sterility of the feeder before deciding to hang one.

How to Attract Hummingbirds With Bugs

you may also notice hummingbirds hovering around your compost pile or compost tumblers. They're looking for the gnats and other flying insects that your compost is supporting.

It's incredible to watch hummingbirds catch bugs in mid-air!

Don't forget to keep your compost moist, so that its bioactivity doesn't stall.

Tips for Creating a Hummingbird-Friendly Habitat

Provide Water for Hummingbirds

Keep Your Garden Free of Pesticides for Hummingbird Health

Plant Flowers as Hummingbird Food Sources

The Benefits of Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden