compost with sand held in hand above light blue tub of compost
Nothing beats some homemade compost as the absolute best nutrient source available for plants. Compost which you make yourself is truly black gold.

The Regenerative Paradigm

Learn more about the organic regenerative mindset here.

No-Till Gardening

Read more about no-till gardening here.

Chop and Drop

Keep reading about what chop and drop gardening is here.

Cover Crops

Nitrogen-fixing cover crops, such as hairy vetch and Alfalfa are grown to accumulate essential nitrogen and carbon from the air. These are converted into solid forms in the bodies of these plants, which can later be converted into fertilizer.

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Methods such as chop + drop (above), composting, and fermenting into FPJ are all great ways to convert your cover crops into the highest-quality fertilizer for plants. This completely removes any need for expensive and detrimental synthetics such as Miracle-Gro.

Learn about why you should plant cover crops here.

Crop Rotation

Read more about why crop rotation is important here.

Homemade Compost

unfinished compost chunky inspected by hand in tote
Homemade compost is one of the best ways to move away from using chemicals for gardening and instead using your food scraps

Read more about how to make incredible compost here.

Organic Products

Finally, if you'd prefer to just buy organic-certified products and get started today, without all the time spent building soil and seasons of cover crops, these products will get you started:

These are listed in order of importance, with what plants need most at the top. Any vegetable garden or potted vegetables could benefit from these organic amendments.

Final Notes